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05/14/2003 Entry: "Boys and, games"


Oh! *claps hands* Now I remember what I was going to mention last night. I picked up the first volumes of the American release of CLAMP School Detectives and 20 Masks recently--and they have honorifics! And little cultural notes on things like zaibatsu! *hearts*

In other news, I continue to yearn periodically to play D&D (tabletop, not email). Straight-up 3e D&D. Anyone in north/central New Jersey got a game looking for a new player? Or, failing that, one running on IRC?

* * *


Replies: 2 comments


Of course, you ask this when I move out of North Jersey. Sigh.

Posted by Epee @ 05/21/2003 12:32 AM EST

D'oh! *Figures.* Oh, well. I continue my lonely quest for Or whatever. ^_^

Posted by N-chan @ 05/22/2003 09:21 AM EST

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