The old Current Projects entries, if anyone is really interested....


May 12, 1999 - "Sakura" 12 and the second Drift are written and in edit/preread stage. Two Fushigi Yuugi fics, one about Ashitare and one about Soi, are waiting for my new site to be ready. And "Falling" 14 is what I'm working on right now....

April 26, 1999 - "Sakura" 12 is in prereading at last; assuming that when I go back and look at it after this brief hiatus I don't decide that it needs major whackage, it should go up pretty soon. I'm also about halfway through the next chapter, which will be a Drift. "Falling" 14 is about a third of the way written, and I have two other short fics in prereading also.

Somewhere just out of sight, all the fanfics are gathering....

March 23, 1999 - Still working on the editing of "Sakura" 12; it'll probably be a few weeks yet before that one's ready for release. At least I finished my first Fushigi Yuugi fic in the meantime. ^^ And next up seems to be "Falling," probably because of the cool picture that Amy just sent me. Wai!

March 1, 1999 - "Sakura" 12 is written, and I'm doing the comma dance on it now. It's looking a bit slow, so I don't expect to release it before late March at the earliest. I may have another short fic to post on my next update, though, depending on how things go this week. After that, it's either "Falling" or the crossover. At the moment, I'm not sure which.

February 15, 1999 - Not too much to report on tonight..."Sakura" 12 continues apace. Sei-chan has the narrative voice back for this one, and he's feeling rather pleased about that. Next up after this will probably be "Falling" 14--I'm so close to being done, relatively speaking, that I feel I ought to start making a push toward the end. Not to mention the fact that I have another huge, epic project that I'd like to start, but I'm not allowed to work on it until I finish one of my ongoing stories. Argh.

February 7, 1999 - So the X Rocky Horror Picture Show has reached its conclusion...and before anybody asks, no, I'm not going to take on "Miyuki-chan's Adventures in Babysitting." Somebody else can write that one. I've finished a new one-part "Gundam Wing" fic--my first!--which I hope to post next weekend. And next up in the queue seems to be "Sakura" 12, at least at the moment....

January 31, 1999 - As you've probably noticed, the new chapter of "Sakura" is up. I'm still in the early stages of "Sakura" 12 and "Falling" 14; of those two, "Sakura" is probably ahead in the queue. My mind has pretty much been consumed by "SW," the crossover collaboration, during the past month, and I have the first section of that written, although it needs major whackage. The fics are getting unruly; I need a lion tamer's whip. Or a clone of myself. Or both.

January 3, 1999 - Well, I've finally released Chapter 13 of "Falling." I hadn't meant for it to take so long, but a cold, the holidays, and a new issue going to press at work have kept me pretty well distracted. It's been a productive month of writing, however, even if I haven't been able to keep my Web pages up to date. I've finished "Sakura" 11, and it's currently at the prereading stage. It looks like a very interesting chapter, although not in the ways that people might expect. I've completed the first draft of "Two Casts" part 5 as well, which means that another fanfic is almost done. Yatta! I have "seed-starts" for both "Falling" 14 and "Sakura" 12, seed-starts being opening paragraphs. (I like to start a new chapter while I still have the momentum of the previous one; otherwise, facing that empty page is just too scary.) And I've started on something else which is new: a surprise collaboration with Shanti. It's a crossover with a series that I've never written about, and for the moment I think that's all I'm going to say.

So a lot of stories are at various stages of completion. At least I'm never bored. ^_^ And it's nice, too, to be finally working on "Falling" again, after a nearly two-year hiatus. (Special thanks to Ruby-chan, by the way, for pointing out that I'd spelled Alice's last name wrong throughout the entire story. Wah! I've fixed that now, I think.) There's only about four more chapters left to that one, and then it'll be done as well.

"Sakura," on the other hand...let's just say that the world had better not end in 1999 after all. I'll be upset if I don't get this one finished. ^_^

November 27, 1998 - "Falling" 13 still wants some more work, so I'm holding off on posting it. As a consolation, though, I've released "Love and Fishes," that shortfic that I mentioned before. It's a new PSME fic, not connected to "Falling" in any way, but hopefully people will find it intriguing. I'm still working on "Sakura" 11 too, but haven't made much progress. It's been one of those slow weeks where not very much has gotten done....

November 22, 1998 - I've done most of the comma-dancing on "Falling" 13. I'm just waiting for prereaders' comments, and then I'll give it one more once-over and post it. I *also* have a surprise shortfic that whacked me upside the head on Monday. It's done too, and hopefully both stories will be up by next weekend. <crosses fingers> And "Sakura" 11 is in the queue for this week...happy, happy! (Don't mind me...I've had too much sugar tonight....)

November 15, 1998 - Finished "Falling" 13--and on Friday the 13th, too! How cool is that? Now I just have to edit it, which will probably take a while. I want to start "Falling" 14 next week, just so that I have a seed for it, and then I'll probably go back and work on "Sakura" 11.

November 10, 1998 - Currently writing on "Falling" 13 after a very long hiatus; I'm about halfway through it. "Sakura" 11 is also about halfway written. Shanti's just finished "Two Casts..." part 4, so I'm at bat already to start working on part 5. That last one's going to have to wait a while, though....



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