December 25, 2008 -
Don't look too closely at the gap between the last entry and this
one--you might fall in and disappear. Happily, though, I finally have
actual progress to relate. As of right now, the final battle section
of Sakura is written and awaiting editing, and I'm currently working
on the aftermath chapter. That's right. It's actually measurably close
to being done. I hesitate to make promises, because, well,
look how well that's worked for me in the past, but if I can keep
up my current momentum, you all might be seeing the end of this story
sometime this spring.
June 4, 2006 - Most
of my energies are currently going into "Sakura," still.
However, progress has definitely been made. I've set a deadline for
myself to finish the story by November 22 (yes--this year!), and I
have a little under two chapters left to go. Although it'll probably
still be some months before anything new actually appears, the end
of the story is finally on the horizon. This November, it will have
been ten years that I've been working on it. Can you imagine? Thank
you all so much for your patience. I really appreciate it. ^_^
December 1, 2005 - Still
working on the next chapter of "Sakura," as well as a couple
of side projects.
November 1, 2005 - And
one year later...I'm taking a whack at finishing "Sakura"
again. Progress is being made, at least at the moment. I have the
next chapter in beta right now, so hopefully it should be ready to
go up before too long, and I'm working on the following one.
October 20, 2004 - Few
weeks, shyeah, right. Okay, I've finally posted all the stuff I wrote
over the summer, and I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do next.
I'm hoping it will be "Sakura."
April 19, 2004 - I'm
in a bit of a slump at the moment, mainly due to real-life stresses.
I'm hoping that I'll get back on top of things in a few weeks. Currently
on the docket for me are finishing up chapter 16 and the fourth Drift
of "Sakura," as well as a one-shot RahXephon fic and a few
other short pieces in progress.
January 23, 2004 - Chapter
16 and the fourth Drift of "Sakura" are currently in edits,
though it's slow going right now. I'm aiming to keep my concentration
on "Sakura" for the foreseeable future, although I've got
a few other things close to completion and might take time out occasionally
to finish them up.
March 17, 2003 - Well.
I *did* make some headway on the Drift even beyond the part that I
posted, so it'll be here eventually, but despite my best intentions
in the update notice below, Weiss seem to have hijacked my brain cell
yet again. I've given up fighting them for the moment. Currently in
progress are the sequel to "Sword Dance" and two separate
Weiss long fics, with a couple more lurking in the background.
November 10, 2002 -
Having finished the unexpected Spirited Away fanfic, I seem to be
getting back into "Sakura" full time. The Weiss longfics
have officially been moved to the side of the stovetop (ie, not even
on the back burner at the moment), because I was just getting too
scattered with all these projects. Focus is good. ^^
September 21, 2002 -
Oops. So much for taking "a few days" break. In my defense,
I haven't been entirely slacking for the last nine months; in addition
to the two one-shots I've just posted, I've been writing on various
other projects. My difficulty has been in *finishing* any of them.
Nevertheless, here are the projects that are currently in progress
and that have at least a fair chance of being completed someday:
- The next "Sakura" drift, which is a
little farther along than it was in April 2001 ^^;;;
- Two CCS one-shots, both lemony
- A sequel to "Sword Dance," tentatively
entitled "Passion"
- Not one, not two, but *three* Weiss Kreuz longfics.
I probably won't finish all of them, but at least one might get
- That GW/Escaflowne crossover fic, which I still
haven't given up on
December 25, 2001 -
Having finally finished and posted "Falling," I'm probably
going to take a breather of at least a few days, maybe work on a random
one-shot or two, and then take the plunge back into "Sakura."
Wish me luck. ^^
October 25, 2001 - I've gone back
and done minor edits on *all* of "Falling" (although those
edited versions haven't been posted yet), and am doing the second
run of edits on chapters 16 and 17. (The latter may end up being chapters
17 *and* 18, since it ended up about twice as long as any other chapter.)
I've also written about two-thirds of the concluding side story. I
didn't manage to finish the story this summer after all, but I remain
optimistic that I'll be able to be done by the end of the year.
August 8, 2001 - For the benefit
of those who haven't been following the blow-by-blow account in my
weblog, I've finished writing
"Falling" 17, and I'm currently hacking my way through the
edits. I'm hoping to be making progress on something soon. ^^
June 25, 2001 - "Falling"
17 is about half-way written. Woohoo! Otherwise, things are just the
same as below. Except without the chocolate-covered espresso beans.
June 4, 2001 - "Falling"
16 is written and is awaiting edits. My plans for the summer include
a definite push to finish "Falling," since I've got only
a couple more parts to go. I'd also like to try to get at least the
next Drift of "Sakura" done, as well as possibly the next
"Wings" sidestory and a couple of one-shots. Ambitious,
I know. I just ate a bunch of chocolate-covered espresso beans, so
at the moment I can do anything.
April 1, 2001 - "Falling"
is still cooling off, but will probably be the next update. And now
I seem to be working on the "Sakura" Drift. Fascinating.
March 5, 2001 - Pretty much the
same as below, except that "Sakura" 15 has been released,
one of the one-shots is written, and the other is close to written.
Both will need much editing, though.
February 25, 2001 - "Sakura"
15 continues to be in prereading. (It seems to have killed off most
of the first batch, so I'm sending it out to some new readers in the
next day or two. ^^;;) "Falling" 15 has been written and
is in the cooling-off period before editing. Not one but *two* CLAMP
one-shots have mugged me in the last week; one is nearly done, the
other is just started, but both are fairly short and shouldn't take
too long to finish. (Famous last words.) Maybe the next "Sakura"
Drift is coming up soon? Depends on how the hormones swing.
December 24, 2000 - "Sakura"
15 is written and in the editing stage. Once I'm done with that, it's
probably going to be either "Falling" or the next "Wings"
sidestory, depending on which way my inclinations tend. (I'm hoping
for "Falling," though.)
October 28, 2000 - At the moment,
I'm bouncing back and forth between "Sakura" 15 and "Falling"
15. For once, there aren't any unexpected one-shots trying to take
over my brain cell; the only other stories that I might consider working
on are ongoing projects like the next "Wings" sidestory
and an OmiKen multiparter that I've been fiddling with.
August 20, 2000 - Surprise, surprise,
"Sakura" 14 is still creeping through the prelease process.
Soon it'll be done, I hope. In the meantime, I've started working
on "Falling" 15. It began slowly, but I'm starting to get
back into it now, so hopefully it'll progress more smoothly. In between
the unexpected CLAMP short fics, I managed to finish my next section
of the collaboration fic, and now I'm waiting for Shanti to write
*her* next bit, after which we move on to the final section. Wow,
I might actually release this someday! I've only been working on it
for a year and a half....
June 12, 2000 - I'm still muddling
about in "Sakura" 14, I'm afraid. Seishirou has a real aversion
to the clue hammer, and I've been struggling with him for the past
couple of weeks. Between times, though, I managed to finish my first
CardCaptor Sakura fic. It's incredibly, shamelessly WAFFy, and it
should go up on the next update. Once "Sakura" 14 is done,
I'm still planning to work on "Falling" or possibly the
collaboration fic again. "Sakura" 15 and the "Wings"
side story are probably in the queue after that.
May 7, 2000 - As mentioned on
the updates page, the first half of "Sakura" 14 is in edits.
Somehow I've managed to get sucked into Weiss Kreuz fandom, on top
of all my other obsessions; I'll have one, possibly two one-shot WK
fics done for an upcoming update. The next thing on my list is another
chapter of "Falling," because I've let that languish far
too long. And after that, it'll probably be either "Sakura"
15 or another "Wings" side story. (There are other stories
lurking in the shadows, which may slip out into the light between
these main projects, but I'm going to try not to let them divert me
too far off course. ^_^ )
December 26, 1999 - "Sakura"
13 is written and now needs editing; the second half of chapter 14
has been given a preliminary release on this site. (Happy Holidays!)
I'm probably going to try to finish 14 next, possibly to be followed
by the next chapter of "Falling" (although chapter 15 of
"Sakura" is tempting
November 16, 1999 - "Sakura"
13 continues, albeit slowly. I expect to finish writing it within
the next week or two, but it will probably need massive editing before
I can release it. And at the moment, "Sakura" is pretty
much all I'm working on.
October 11, 1999 - I did actually
finish the story for the CLAMP fanfic ML challenge, and it should
go up on the next update. Barring the incursion of any unexpected,
mallet-wielding story ideas, I plan to work on "Sakura"
almost exclusively for the next couple of months.
September 5, 1999 - I've finally
almost finished the editing process on the second "Sakura"
drift, and it should go up in the next update. I'm currently working
on edits for the "Wings" side story; once I finish this
once-over it'll go out to a pre-reader or two so I can see whether
or not it's too scary to post. Inspired by the current challenge on
the CLAMPfic mailing list, I started work on a one-shot story that's
been lingering at the back of my brain for ages. (The challenge was
to pair up the most unlikely couple one could think of; I have to
say that mine is pretty weird, at least if Shanti's reaction is any
indication, although the fic itself is actually quite serious. Again,
I don't know what this will turn into or if it will be worthy of posting.)
My next major intention is to hunker down on "Sakura" for
a while, probably for the rest of this fall. That is, if the one-shots
and the collaboration-fic that I'm still working on with Shanti don't
interfere.... (Shut up, Duo.)
July 3, 1999 - I have a lot of
things in the works simultaneously, so here's the run-down:
- The second Drift of "Sakura" -- still in editing/prereading.
- Chapter 14 of "Falling" --written, being edited.
- "Sakura" 13 -- started.
- For some ungodly reason, I've been struck by a shamelessly random
lemon side story for "Wings." (Must be because it's honeysuckle
season again....) I don't know if I'll actually finish and release
it, but I'm about three-fourths of the way done with the writing,
so I thought I might as well mention it.
- I have several ideas for one-part X stories, one of which I've
actually started writing. They're kind of low priority, but they
may sneak in between chapters of the longer works.